Episode 20 – Pinball Expo 2016 & More!

Tony and Dennis give you the minimum from Pinball Expo to survive, talk a bit about the upcoming Nintendo “console”, and have a single tabletop game to trash. Lots of fun!

Pinball: Dennis has completed his background research into American Pinball, and so provides an info dump regarding the articles of incorporation, the mortgages, possible parts supplies, and more. Tony and Dennis use this to transition into Pinball Expo 2016, where they discuss the American Pinball presentation, Stern Pinball’s Batman 66 and Aerosmith pins, Jersey Jack’s Hobbit Black Arrow and Dialed In! machines, and Heighway’s Alien Pinball.

Video Games: The focus is on the Nintendo Switch, but Tony and Dennis also give their list of listened-to video game podcasts in response to a listener request!

Tabletop: A very short, very blunt discussion regarding Speak Out, half tabletop game, half torture device.

American Pinball Research: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByH8OkGICVbWSlB2Qi0tQXhkUUE?usp=sharing

Dennis’ Video of Firepower (Incandescent vs LED): https://youtu.be/amTpWuDknjM

Comet Pinball: http://www.cometpinball.com/

Pinball Magazine’s Interview with American Pinball: https://soundcloud.com/user-935579828/pinball-magazine-podcast-01-american-pinball

Gameroom Junkies Arcade & Pinball Podcast: http://gameroomjunkies.com/index.php/episodes/

TrueAchievements Podcast: http://www.trueachievements.com/podcast.aspx

Podcast Unlocked: http://xbox360.ign.libsynpro.com/

Episode 19 – Winging It

Tony and Dennis were so busy over the last two weeks that most of this episode had to be ad libbed, and it shows. A weird mix of pinball, pizza, hot dogs, and gaming.

Pinball: Brief updates/thoughts on Pinapalooza IV, American Pinball, and Expo. Tony and Dennis do launch into a more enjoyable topic: what would they do if they each were to start up a pinball manufacturing company in today’s climate?

Video Games: Tony hits on a couple easy-play titles to provide some suggestions now that Dennis finally upgraded his PC.

Tabletop: I hope you like TV networks, as there’s a game for that!

Beige Knight Pinball Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-944860920

Skill Shot Pincast: http://www.skill-shot.com/content/category/podcast

The Slam Tilt Podcast: http://www.podcastgarden.com/podcast/slamtilt

Pinball Magazine’s Interview with American Pinball: https://soundcloud.com/user-935579828/pinball-magazine-podcast-01-american-pinball